Sunday, January 3, 2010

DreamSoft IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd

Customized Complete ERP Systems

Customized Complete ERP Systems: ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. It's a Software System which is developed in a manner to serve all Departments within an Enterprise.

ERP is a Modular Structure of Software which is developed customized covering all Departments of large scale or medium scale enterprise like Clients, Suppliers, Sales, Product Planning, Parts & Material Purchasing, Inventory Control, Product Distribution, Order Tracking, Finance, Accounting, Marketing, and HR. ERP is a Modular Structure so that modules can be added at a later stage of the Development also. DreamSoft has given Customized ERP Solutions to many clients and have satisfied their needs, If you are also looking for a Business Peace of Mind with all Departments putting up their data onto Software Developed by us then please read more. Our additional Feature is that we even implement Bar Code based Interface for scanning the products with their barcodes for automatic scanned product entries for Invoices, Challans etc. Our systems can be compatible with Bar Code readers and we can program the way you want.

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